April 15, 2014 · ffmpeg encoding vp9 opus red 4k

4K Encoding to VP9/Opus

Encoding to VP9 in 4K is awesomely slow, when i mean slow, it is SLOW > 0.2fps but still it has not been optimized or have multicore support yet, it only used 1 core of my 8 core cpu (FX-8350) with 32GB RAM!

`ffmpeg -f image2 -i "E:\redout\tif\A005_C026_01224Q\00%05d.tif" -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -strict experimental -acodec libopus -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -crf 27 -b:v 20M -b:a 64k outputgirl.webm`

change crf to higher (smaller files, worse quality) or lower crf (bigger files, better quality)

the end results are this 4k file, source is tiff from a RED camera, pretty good i say as its only ~6Mbps video bitrate

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