August 6, 2022 · zfs ubuntu raidz pool

Quick & Easy: Setting up ZFS raidz on Ubuntu

Simple guide to ZFS

Install zfs

sudo apt install zfs-dkms zfs-zed zfsutils-linux

Locate the drives you want into your array

sudo ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep "ata"

Create raidz1 (similar to raid5) Samba/CIFS Pool (casesensitivity mixed pool) for Windows Clients

zpool create -O casesensitivity=mixed data raidz1 device1 device2 device3 device4

zfs get casesensitivity data

check pool status

sudo zpool status

verify the pool with scrub

sudo zpool scrub data

sudo zpool scrub -s data (cancel a scrub)

add weekly scrub task to crontab

sudo crontab -l | { cat; echo "@weekly zpool scrub data"; } | crontab -

add scrub task on reboot to crontab

sudo crontab -l | { cat; echo "@reboot sleep 25 && zpool scrub data"; } | crontab -

replace failed drive

sudo ls /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep "ata"
sudo zpool replace old-disk new-disk
sudo watch -n1 zpool status

Tweaks to improve Samba & small files access

destroy the pool (REMOVES DATA!)

sudo zpool destroy data (removes data!)

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