Quick & Easy Ubuntu Server
Setup a Ubuntu Server
(a Idiots guide to running a linux based web server)
this guide will make your server both secure and easy to administer
1. Droplet with LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP)
Go to DigitalOcean
Create a account
Select Size
Select Region
Select Image
LAMP on Ubuntu 14.04
2. Set mysql “root” Password and secure it
mysqladmin -u root -p'password' password newpassword
3. Add a Web User
adduser webuser
usermod -a -G www-data webuser
chgrp -R www-data /var/www
chmod -R 770 /var/www
ln -s /var/www /home/webuser/www
Now you can login with webuser using
a sftp client like Filezilla (use port 22)
and you have access to www files
4. Adminer (Optional)
Web based MySQL administration
sudo apt-get install adminer
sudo servie apache2 restart
You can now login with mysql root/password
5. Monitoring (Optional)
vnstats lets you monitor daily/monthly bandwidth usage
apt-get install vnstat
nethogs is a realtime monitor for ethernet traffic
apt-get install nethogs
Glances is a system monitor for your GNU/Linux or BSD operating system from console
sudo apt-get install python-pip build-essential python-dev
sudo pip install Glances
sudo pip install PySensors
6. Secure the system
adduser your_username
echo "your_username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
Now you can run root commands by adding sudo before
the command you want to run like sudo apt-get install
use your user password
*disaster sudo recovery
Go to Droplets > Access > Console Access
login as root
nano /etc/sudors
<- modify it
7 Disable root login
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- change
PermitRootLogin yes
toPermitRootLogin no
sudo service ssh restart
now login as your_username and run sudo before every command
if you want to become root again run
sudo su
wiak // http://nwgat.net