June 3, 2024
Quick & Easy: PiKVM Setup using Windows
Write image to microsd card
- Download image for you device
- Open Raspberry Pi Imager
- Select
Choose OS
- Select
Use Custom
and your pikvm img.xz file - then choose storage and select SD card you want to use
- Write
Configure First Boot
create pikvm.txt in PIBOOT drive
Find IP of PiKVM
go into your router and check devices if there is a pikvm and connect to its ipssh root@pikvm
or ssh root@
(root is password)
Setup Permanent WiFi on PiKVM
(make filesystem writeable)cat /etc/systemd/network/wlan0.network
(check if everything is correct)wpa_passphrase yourwifinetwork 'wifipassword' > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf
systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service
(enables wifi)systemctl status wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service
(check status of wifi)
Set timezone
timedatectl status
timedatectl list-timezones
(find correct in this list)timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Oslos
Set password on PiKVM
passwd root
(set root password)kvmd-htpasswd set admin
(set admin password and enable pikvm http server)systemctl restart kvmd kvmd-nginx
wait for it to boot up- go to http://pikvm or http://ipofpikvm
- Login wth admin and password you set with