Quick & Easy: Install Livego RTMP Video Streaming Server on Linux
- Spin up a droplet at Digitalocean ($100 credit by using my link)
- login as root
adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" livego
su livego
cd $HOME
wget https://github.com/gwuhaolin/livego/releases/download/0.0.15/livego_0.0.15_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar zxvf livego_0.0.15_linux_amd64.tar.gz
install /home/livego/livego /usr/bin/
git clone https://github.com/nwgat/livego-scripts.git
sudo cp livego-scripts/livego.service /etc/systemd/system/livego.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable livego
(enable service)systemctl start livego
(start service)systemctl status livego
(check status)
Generate room key
apt-get install curl jq
curl -s http://livegoip:8090/control/get?room=pi| jq -r '.data'
(get the room key)
Setup the stream in obs studio or ffmpeg
- RTMP: rtmp://livegoip:1935/live/room-key-hee
Test the stream
- RTMP: rtmp://livegoip:1935/live/pi
- HLS: http://livegoip:7002/live/pi.m3u8
- FLV: http://livegoip:7001/live/pi.flv