Quick & Easy > Installing highpoint 2720 driver on Linux
1. Installing Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Server 12.04 AMD64 (TESTED, Driver needs 3.8.x Kernel)
- Select “Install Ubuntu”
- Press F6 and input mvsas.invalid=1 before -- and enter to install
2. Compiling the driver
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
wget http://highpoint-tech.com/BIOS_Driver/rr272x_1x/linux_1.5/RR272x_1x-Linux-Src-v1.5-130325-0732.tar.gz
tar zxvf RR272x_1x-Linux-Src-v1.5-130325-0732.tar.gz
cd rr272x_1x-linux-src-v1.5/product/rr272x/linux/
sudo su
make install
modprobe rr272x_1x
when you upgrade/update kernel you can just compile again and get the driver reinstalled
note! Kernel must be 3.8.x or older
finding that array
sudo parted -l | grep -C 1 -A 10 HPT
this will by any luck show you the array drive
if not just run sudo parted -l and look for hpt
Find the /dev/ device and the number of the partition that holds your data
those two will be your /dev point
mkdir /mnt/raid
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb2 /mnt/raid
if it works then add it to fstab to be automatically mounted on startup
sudo blkid
find the uid for /dev/sdb2
add this to /etc/fstab
UUID=uuid_here /mnt/raid ntfs-3g nobootwait,defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
now try mount with
mount -a