Daala for Windows

(almost) up to date daala builds for windows

64-bit for now, if anyone need 32-bit just contact me

Daala Websites

Compiler Details(for nwgat builds)

  • Cygwin64 1.7.32(0.274/5/3) or later
  • libogg 1.3.1-1 or later


Source: ffmpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p -i any-source-video.webm source.y4m
Source: (720p resize) ffmpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p scale=1280:-1 -i any-source-video.webm source.y4m
Encoding: encoder_example -v 20 source.y4m -o daala-video.ogv
Decoding: dump_video daala-video.ogv -o daala-video.y4m
Playback: Play daala-video.y4m in MPC-BE

Use between 0-55 (0 being lossless), daala supports upto 511 but thats pointless in my testing


Only use same build for the encoded file.

daala is not finished. so file decoding will break between builds
